Wednesday, 7 June 2017

Redeeming The Times

There is popular adage that says "time waits for no man. I believe this means time flies and before you know it its ten  years or more down the line.  This is so evident as we see children who were born right before our eyes now giving birth themselves. 

The bible also has something to say about time. The apostle Paul emphasized importance of time in the verse below. 

"See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise,  Redeeming the time, because the days are evil."  Ephesians 5:15-16

So what does Paul mean by redeeming the times? Can time be redeemed?  Looking at definition of the word redeem ; It means to buy back, ransom,  rescue from los.  Paul was cautioning us to use our time wisely. 

Time management has been one topic that has caught the interest of many and sold million books. While its a good attitude to imbibe, Paul advocates more than this. 

¡. He says we are to walk circumspectly which means being careful, with great prudence. He also mentioned that that we have to wise in use of time because,  the days are evil. A lot is happening in the world today and Christians seem so oblivious of it. The pursuit of  career, ambition,  fame and power  is so strong and overwhelming that even Christians are caught up in it. While all these things have their place, an idolatrous passion to have all this has consumed the society.  As a result  of this, more have lost touch with spiritual things.  

¡¡. It is a human error to believe that we are invincible and  would live forever.  But who knows what will happen tomorrow. Instead of running after unprofitable and vain things, we should focus on things that are eternally beneficial. We can practice all the time management  we want,  but if we are not aligning it with God's will and his purpose for us, it's still a sheer waste of time. 

¡¡¡. Procrastination is one terrible thing that wastes our time. We put off vital decisions and choices that will  affect our family, health, spiritual life positively till latter dates. Funny, we never get to doing those things. 

Here are some few questions that might help to use our time wisely.  

Is this giving to glory to God? 
Is this according to God's purpose for me? 
Does this affect my family health and career positively?
Am  learning educationally/spiritually from this? 

May the lord grant use grace to use our days according to his will. 

More bible study to come.   Blessings 

Photo Credit : Contemporary Heaven 

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