Monday, 18 November 2013


I am so excited about this new week because, I have great expectations that God will shower me with innumerable blessings and I pray he does the same for you.

Still studying the book of Corinthians and I will be sharing the truths which I am learning from it.

1 Corinthians  4 vs 5 says  "Therefore judge nothing before the appointed  time;wait until the Lord comes. He will both bring to light what is  hidden in darkness and will expose the motives of the heart. At that time,each will receive their praise from God". In this text Paul asks us not to judge. But, 1 Corinthians 5 vs 12 says " What  business is it of  mine  to  judge those  outside the church? Are you not judge those inside?". Here,he (Paul) is implying that he had  no business judging those outside the Christian fold but  he could pass judgments on those within. Comparing these two verses  made  me think, is Paul not contradicting himself?

After so much studying and asking for heavenly wisdom , I discovered that in the fifth chapter, he was talking about discipline in the church while in the fourth chapter, he was talking about passing judgments because of prejudices and also judging the actions of others.

Discipline is highly necessary in the church,hence the need for rules.  A place where there are no laid down rules and boundaries, anything is acceptable and people are bound to misbehave. Discipline in the church should be seen as checks and balances.

We all have different backgrounds, temperaments and school of thoughts. All these influence our outlook on life even when we become a Christian. As a result of this,we seem have conflicting views on how things should be done or not. This can lead to prejudice or judging one another. But like Paul said, only God sees the intentions of the heart. We might not really understand other people's actions but so long  its not conflicting the basic standards of Christianity,we should let them be. I would like to add that even when  a believer is misbehaving and going contrary to the will of God,we should pray for them and not gossip about them.


I would love to hear your opinion about this post. I look forward to reading them in the comment box.


  1. Discipline cannot be over emphasized, but some believers think Church is a place where everything should go and indiscipline ignored. But even God's word says everything should be done decently and in order... 1 Corinthians 14:40
    Thanks for sharing this truth sister, have a super blessed day!

    1. I sincerely agree with you sis. "discipline in church cannot be overemphasized. Thanks for dropping by often. God bless u plenty.

  2. I think we shouldn't judge ofcourse as we don't know d heart of a person,but if u see ur fellow Christian brother/sister going astray/aside from God's precepts,thrz nothing wrong with trying to guide them back to the light.we all need each other's help to stay on the right path.
    Discipline from God and frm pple dat have our good interests at heart cannot be overemphasized in the place of helps,builds us up and sets us aright...
    Yes! I also believe that this is a great week for me,for u and for us all! Cheerrrrsss!

    1. hmmm,so true . That's why we have the Christians,we really need each other to survive and make it through! Thanks girl,its good to have you drop by .

  3. wow thanks for throwing more light on that particular subject.

    1. You are welcome dear. All praises go to God for godly inspiration. Thanks for coming by often. Much love.

  4. We judge others based on actions while we judge ourselves based on intentions. Only God knows the true story. True post.

  5. Very true indeed "only God knows the true story" .Thanks Eniola,really appreciate you coming around.Cheers!!!
