Tuesday, 29 October 2013


Imagine  your boss is mad at you beyond words. He lowers his brows,clenches his fist ,points at you and says GET OUT! If I was in that scenario, I would rush out with great speed!

I think some people actually need to hear that word "GET OUT" and I will tell you why.
Two weeks ago, on my way from work, a colleague of mine dropped me off  at the stop where I was to take a shuttle home. I waited at this stop for a few minutes but no shuttle came.Then, I resolved to praying as usual. I waited  a few more minutes, still no shuttle.

After a while, I decided to stroll down. A friend I met at the stop also decided to join me. We chatted and strolled on, shortly after, an empty shuttle parked and we got in. I was so happy. Then my friend made a statement that got me thinking, he said "perhaps,we won't have gotten this shuttle ,if we stayed at the stop" .

The  reality of my friend's words dawned on me and I began to ponder on the truth of these words. Many of us including me ,I must confess ,have to get out of our comfort zone to experience miracles or changes.Have you been praying for a thing or waiting for a change? Why don't you take a step of faith and move. (Please be sure you are supposed to take that plunge) .For me and my friend ,our step of faith was leaving the usual stop,where we were sure of getting a shuttle, we strolled without the assurance of getting transport!

Remember, I prayed for a shuttle but I didn't get one until I moved . So get out!


  1. Very true Sis! A step of faith out of the normal can work miracles.

    1. I sincerely agree sis. So gud to have you stop by .God bless you plenty. Love

  2. Nice one, Tosin. Sometimes we have to step out of our comfort zones to achieve what we want. We can keep turning around in the same circles if we remain in one place but stepping out can change everything. I particularly like that you added the importance of stepping out with direction from God or else it would be better to remain in the same place, perhaps that's where your miracle will find you. Good job!

    1. Yes dear, we can't and shouldn't continue turning in circles. Thanks for your gracious comments. I do appreciate you coming by. Love

  3. And just like u said,wen we r sure u need to move,we should take the plunge.
    No one gets something new by staying in the same place.
    Thanks a lot for this.

    1. "No one gets anything by staying in the same place", well said frances. I appreciate you coming by.Love

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. my dear very very true, sometimes all we need is to take the first step

