Tuesday, 27 August 2013


This is a sequel to my personality crisis write-up, we should probably call it personality crisis 2 ,just kidding. Now, my serious face! Lol..

Self definition has always been a serious issue. It is a syndrome that affects all ages,sizes and races. We all want to be associated with something unique and special. Nowadays,most people want their names to be associated with fame,a hot body,political influence,beauty, power,wealth or anything of interest.  For me, I have always wanted to be known as  tough girl!  I know it sounds crazy. But it was my longtime my dream. Little wonder, I embraced acute feminism for a while.

I believed for a long time,that tough and harsh people were strong people. One day as I was brooding  about my not been tough, then I recalled a day that someone had called me  a weak person, because, I wasn't harsh and dictatorial. This thought  reinforced my  moodiness .

Then, the spirit of God asked me this question. Who defines  you? It dawned on me that I had let someone's opinion define me.   Then I began to think about young men and women, even older people  who have allowed themselves to defined by peers, media, fame,political influence, power,money,status.  And if they don't measure up to these standards,they either succumb to depression or do anything to meet up.

Once we start living up to expectations of these worldly factors,we get addicted and allow these factors to rule and control our lives. The truth is,no amount of fame,beauty,wealth ,power can satisfy the longing in our souls,they only leave us wanting for more....
Bottom line,let only God define your worth, there is so much peace and freedom in this.

1 comment:

  1. Hmmmm! Thought provoking words! Preach it louder sis especially to dyounger ones. Enough of the conformation n masks! God bless
